In the early 70's I started and completed an apprenticeship and worked in the printing industry. In 1983 after 4 years of full time study, I was awarded a business degree and I worked in government for a short while. I have worked as an Industrial Relations Officer, Advocate and Employee Relations Manager for a large private company.
After 7 years of working full time (employment law related) and studying, I graduated in law in 1996. I completed articles and practised as a solicitor and Senior Associate. I established and ran my own firm in early 2004, practising primarily in the area of employment, industrial relations, equal opportunity and occupational health and safety law. These are my main areas of practise.
I decided to practise as a barrister in 2006 at John Toohey Chambers. I joined Michael Kirby Chambers in June 2020.
Despite the often politicised nature of employment law, I work on the “cab rank” principle and I accept instructions on behalf of employers, government and employees, for whom I will act without fear or favour.
My experience in the field of workplace law, at the date of writing, exceeds 35 years.
I have advised on matters and appeared as counsel in all State and most Federal Courts, including the Industrial Appeal Court, State Administrative Tribunal and the Australian (now Fair Work) and Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission.
I think that I am a sensible negotiator and have achieved some very good settled outcomes.
More recently I have carried out a number of family law briefs including:
I have also, in connection with Family Law, been involved in numerous:
Family Law Practitioners’ Association of WA
Michael Kirby Chambers
Level 27, St Martins Tower
44 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
P.O. Box 191 (preferred mailing address)
North Perth WA 6906
M: 0410 351 044